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Kent Island Federation of Arts, Inc.


Opportunities to Volunteer Wednesday-Sunday 11-1:30 or 1:30-4

 If you know anyone  interested in volunteering, a mere 3 hours per month, please have them call the office us.



Copyright © 2025 Kent Island Federation of Arts, All rights reserved.

Our KIFA Volunteers are our 'life blood'.  They are crucial in

helping us provide art education and experiences

which are highly valuable to this community. 

 If you think you'd like to volunteer with KIFA a few hours a month, please contact us by calling 410.643.7424 or email us at

Making a difference, caring deeply about art, responding to the call of service, having fun, using or developing a new skill, and getting involved in your  community!

Our Committees  

Every committee is seeking members to volunteer! Please contact the Chair or KIFA office 410-643-7424/ Main Street, Stevensville.

Adult & Youth Education-Maria Sage & Maureen Wheatley
Docent/Volunteer-Becky Placek  

Gift Shop-Becky Placek
Gallery/Exhibits-Maureen Wheatley
Grounds/Building-Paul Placek
Membership-MaryAnn Buckley


Finance-Margaret Tessier

Art & Entertainment District Liason-Maureen Wheatley

*You must be at least 18 years old and a KIFA member to volunteer.

KIFA on Facebook
KIFA on Facebook

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​DOCENT DUTIES

A docent turns on the lights, open signs, and hangs the outside flags. Prepared to welcome guests, support KIFA's mission, and help visitors truly enjoy the Art House.

A docent enters his/her name, time, and mileage on the volunteer log sheet.

 A docent enters notes in the docent log book of the day’s activities and visitors.

A docent answers the phone and handles phone messages as appropriate.  He/she writes down messages on the telephone log pad.

A docent may bring in his/her artwork to display when on duty.

A docent welcomes visitors and encourages visitors to participate in KIFA activities. Sells gift shop items or art in the gallery.